Where to Find Me

Job Satisfaction has a store now! At the moment there are just a few zines, old editions of Issue #1, and buttons, but more is on the way. I’ve also made a digital download of collected JS pinups (spicy) available for $1 over on itch.

You can support the making of Job Satisfaction on Patreon! Pledging any amount will get you early peeks at in-progress pages and concept sketches, plus the knowledge that you are securing a place on the internet for hot demons and the people who love them.

I also have a Ko-Fi account for one-time donations.

The comic is mirrored over on Smackjeeves!

Other Webcomics

Here are some comics I love:

Away to Nowhere
The Book of No One
Charity Case
False Edge
Feast for a King (nsfw)
Harlowe Vanished
Heirs of the Veil
Hilga from Below
Kidd Commander
Never Satisfied
String Theory